4 Ideas: Art Can Feed
We’re excited about our Art Can Feed call for entries deadline, which is Friday, October 21. 5:30pm. In the artist salon, we were talking about ideas and thought we’d share some in the hopes it inspires you (and you inspire us!).
This simple “To Do” type-based graphic was created from two colors of 3×3 post-it notes by the collective “Illegal Art.”
Guilty as charged—we absolutely love well-designed labels. So we’re intrigued by redesigning, embroidering or knitting a series labels. While the can labels can’t be permanently altered, that doesn’t mean they can’t be wrapped or sleeved. Local artist Streetcolor is a yarn bomber who has covered bike racks, street poles and even a BART seat with knitted creations.
Using Magnets
There are some pretty powerful magnets, which opens a range of possibility for assembly and placement—hanging from the ceiling or attached to the wall.
Building with cans is intriguing, whether it’s beautiful in form or function. We’re blown away by these ceramic cans and the resulting sculpture by artist Jay Patrick Dion.
Have fun, we can’t wait to see your submissions. Read about the entry requirements here.