Ramon’s Tailor

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The Chupacabra


Dates: February 6 – April 15, 2020
Open Hours and Events postponed. Be well and Stay at Home.

Inspired by cave art and motherhood!
Margaret Timbrell considers herself a conceptual needlework artist – and she is quite accomplished in that arena. So, why is she scrawling, scratching and drawing expansive narratives across the walls of Ramon’s?

Introducing The Chupacabra, a body of work produced during Timbrell’s residency within the gallery. Using this opportunity to explore outside of her regular medium, this artist is diving headfirst into the collected musings and ideas gathered over the years in the pages of sketch books.

While representing her present-day observations, through the adventures of the Chupacabra and her pups, Margaret studies the personal nature of human mark-making, its outside influences, and the unchanged relationship to creativity that we share with our prehistoric ancestors.

About the Artist:
Margaret Timbrell is a text based needlework artist with a multidisciplinary degree from NYU. Her work is inspired by various influences that alter language and interpersonal engagement. Timbrell has exhibited around the US and has been featured in the SF Examiner, LA Times, Bust Magazine. Currently Timbrell is a studio artist and board member at Root Division.